Monday, November 2, 2009

Dog Pnemonia

Call your Vet when your dog starts coughing as this could be the first sign of pneumonia. Since dogs don't get colds.
Pneumonia is caused by a bacterial infection and is most common in dogs under one year of age. Pneumonia may require hospitalization. 

Other symptoms:
  • difficulty breathing,
  • coughing with mucus discharge,
  • fever (50% of the dogs),
  • lethargic behavior, 
  • loss of appitite, 
  • refusal to drink

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Signs your pet is sick

Unfortunately, pets can't tell you when they are sick. So you have to be observant and watch for signs of illness.
  • Being listless
  • General decline in energy level
  • Wanting more attention- clinging to you more than usual. 
  • Frequent urination 
  • Brown or red urination
  • Grunting when they move
  • Heavy or labored breathing
If you notice these simple signs getting worse the consult with your Veterinarian catching illness early is the best treatment to keeping a healthy and active animal.